


  1. 请用不少于五句话写出五种交通方式中的一种的优点和缺点。用英文写哦!我的英语考试靠你们了?
  2. 请用不少于五句话写出五种交通方式中的一种的优点和缺点。用英文写哦!我的英语考试靠你们了?


Airplane,the most high speed, but the expenses is also the most expensive. except when it is at the discount;

Train, it was the most popular transport in China when the distance is at 300km-1000km; it was very convenient and the expenses is more suitable for the ordinary people;


Bus, as one of Urban tranport, it is cheaper and more convenient than Subway and taxi, but it will take more time when in traffic jam;

The subway, become more and more popular in big city, like Guangzhou, Shanghai and etc. , the speed it higher than bus, but it is limited in specific road and city;

By bike, which is the most tradition and enviroment-friendly transport, but just can reach short distance area.



Airplane,the most high speed, but the expenses is also the most expensive. except when it is at the discount;

Train, it was the most popular transport in China when the distance is at 300km-1000km; it was very convenient and the expenses is more suitable for the ordinary people;

Bus, as one of Urban tranport, it is cheaper and more convenient than Subway and taxi, but it will take more time when in traffic jam;


The subway, become more and more popular in big city, like Guangzhou, Shanghai and etc. , the speed it higher than bus, but it is limited in specific road and city;

By bike, which is the most tradition and enviroment-friendly transport, but just can reach short distance area.


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